Get a gamepad and cry: Games take up the soul: from Ori and the Blind Forest and this War of Mine to Bioshock Infinite and Life Is Strange

Not a man alive is a man who is alive. Many games settled for a long time in our souls precisely because after a long hours of fun, dynamic battles, exploits, accomplishments and achievements, we suddenly stop and throw our heads so that uninvited tears are numb.

We decided to recall the games that will touch anyone for the living and cause tears in the eyes of not only tender girls, but also harsh men.

Ori and the Blind Forest

This is a story about a strange four -year creation of Ori, twice orphaned. This is a story about a naked bear, dying of hunger, so that Ori survives – such a manifestation of maternal feelings for a stranger child squeezes our chest a few minutes after the start of the game. This is a story about the tree of spirits that kills its wards, so that the whole magic forest has a chance to survive. This is a story about the enemy, which is at the same time a victim.

And not only about that. This is a piercing and touching story about loneliness. About how everything that is important disappears and dies before our eyes, and everything that remains is to go forward in the hope that if you can’t return the lost, then at least save the surviving.

And this story will be told without long spectacular cinematographic videos. The atmosphere of the death of beautiful past times here impregnates everything and persists against the backdrop of dexterous jumps of Ori and spectacular fights of his Sacound Teenter Spirit. With dying sadness, even carefully drawn by manually drawn backgrounds are pierced. And even at the end, when the good (spoiler!) will triumph, we will not leave us the memory of those who can no longer enjoy the world and safety, for the sake of which they died.

Game Ori and the Blind Forest He knows how to get to the most hidden corners of the soul, long ago hidden under the hard crust of experience and disappointment.

► when everything is in order with the world and its inhabitants are happy.

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The Walking Dead: The Game

Another dying world came to us in a long way: from the television series based on comics inspired by a very, very old low-budget film, on the shooting of which the director was distinguished by a novel, where there are actually no zombies ..

Over the past decades and seasons, the genre of zombie apocalypse, it would seem, was investigated along and across, we know more about the rebellious dead than about the neighbors on the landing, and even the army of the screenwriters of the channel AMC It is more difficult to come up with what would hurt for the living.

And here is a studio Telltale Games managed to find a way to reach us. She simply shifted responsibility for our shoulders for the fate of the heroes. In this pragmatic and dangerous world, the most insignificant actions can determine whether to live or die this confused woman, this rude man, and most importantly, to these children, who are so difficult to take care of when their own life hangs in the balance.

And after all, we understand that the forces of decisions are not very wide and in some cases everything will still end as it should, no matter what we do. But the moral choice constantly standing in front of us leads to the fact that at the most tragic moments, the streamers turned off the microphones so that the audience does not hear their sobs.

► It is easy to understand that you need to be afraid of the zombie. But how to understand whether to trust people?

This War of Mine and this War of Mine: The Little One

And another story about how to survive if the world does not care about you. IN This War of Mine The invented heroes act in a fictional place, at an indefinite time and in imaginary circumstances: here's a house for you, here's a war for you. Live to victory.

At the same time, it is not at all difficult to carry out the occupation of fun, satisfying and warmly in the local unprofitable mechanics. You just need to turn the game into the Excel simulator: keep careful accounting of the contents of the caches, calculate and plan each sortie and check with numerous guidelines. Surely in real life there are people who, at the very first alarm, grab the paved's assembled in advance, throw a greased crossbow on the shoulder and go to the shelter equipped with all necessary shelter.

But if you play badly and ineptly, then the whole plan of the authors of the game is revealed. When you have to decide who to give a freshly prepared soup-to the one who will now go storm the supermarket, or to someone who is no longer complaining about anything due to weakness. When the weak old man asks not to take his supplies, because he is not able to get new. And the worst is when people just refuse to try to survive; exhausted by constant tension, they just lie down and die.

► In the war, they die not only from bullets, but also from the lack of medicines, dirty water, hunger and cold.

Bioshock Infinite

It's hard to find a player who never heard of Bioshock Infinite ; Of all the games we have chosen, this is the largest and most famous. We have repeatedly wrote about her, in general and about the privileges, and dismantled the gears and enjoyed playing music.

Those who allowed themselves to tighten into the ruthless millstones of a puzzling plot, probably already remembered the most heart -rending moments. And those who managed to slip away … Well, we still wish them to get caught and therefore we will not disclose the details.

We note only one thing: many said that after the final scene of Bioshock Infinite, all other games began to seem fresh and boring to them – how, after a bright flash, an ordinary light bulb seems a dull candle. And this is another reason for tears: that you can’t erase your memory and go to Colombia again for the first time.

► Elizabeth is not only an interesting and ambiguous character, but also one of the best game partners.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Naya and the mother have already lost, and now their father has become very ill. To save him, you have to go far, far away, for water from the tree of life. The older brother is strong, the younger dexter. The younger brother is afraid to swim, and the eldest ..

This fabulous walk on the magical edges is not at all what we assume at the beginning. Every now and then fabric fabric breaks through and a real, adult, life in which you have to be responsible for its actions is visible through it. At least in front of oneself.

An uncomplicated adventure is a deep funnel: the game is not only beautiful and touching, but also gloomy and tragic, and she tells her story almost without a single word. But it is already impossible to break out. Run, brother, run!

► Good troll will help brothers. However, not all oncoming ones will be kind.


Two -dimensional platform puzzle Braid , With non -language graphics, not particularly complex mechanics and primitive single -faced characters, turned out to be one of the most adult, complex and filled games. However, what is the meaning of, what we … by meaning, not meaning, and these very meanings in this game are enough for several large role -playing projects.

It all starts simple: here is Tim, he is looking for a princess. He jumps on the platforms and plays over time. He kills some sad creatures. And then suddenly the page is turned over and text appears.

“Like a ghost, she stood in front of him, looking into her eyes. “I'm here,” she said. – I'm here. I want to touch you!"She begged:" Look at me!"But he would not see her; He knew how to look only at the outside of things ".

In this story, woven into a tight braid from texts and actions, objects and allusions, you can read many stories – from the sad story of unfulfilled love to the torment of the inventor of the atomic bomb. From the eternal problems of fathers and children to the complexity of forgiveness. This game will find what to say to anyone who is ready to listen – and in her own words she will amaze in the heart.

► Sorry, Tim, Princess in another castle. If it exists.

Life is Strange

Ah, student years – wonderful, with friendship, with a book, with a song. Students are like an advanced childhood: still a carefree time, but so many of what is allowed only to adults. This shaky line between childhood and adulthood is very accurate by the creators of the game Life is Strange.

Cute Maxin, or simply Max, who everywhere walks with a camera and constantly removes squirrels and selfies, receives strange power over time. Why, and how to use it? Maybe just “have fun”, as the restless girlfriend of Chloe insists? Alas, no. With each step, the world and events around are becoming more difficult and dangerous, and more often you have to choose not between “good” and “not so good”, but between “bad” and “not so bad”.

It becomes more difficult to choose also because we gradually learn new things about all the characters. And it turns out that all the "villains" are the same ordinary people who are just as sorry for. And I want to save everyone, but ..

But all this must be tested on your own skin.

► Very simple technical means The game draws beautiful pictures to wonderful music.

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

The conditional flat world. Deliberately cartoon figures of characters: tiny legs, bangs to the nose. Caricature villains, drawn explosions. Some kind of strange idea: to make a platform puzzle about the First World War.

That is how we think, until the cardboard world begins to tremble under the pressure of the truth. True says a quiet voice, sometimes trying to joke, sometimes surprisingly surprising facts. But her quiet voice does not subside for a moment. And at some point, flat figures become more convincing than photorealistic heroes of militants. And we just sit, staring at the credits, unable to move, even to wipe away tears.

This cartoon game is a real museum and a monument to the First World War. In it, all documents, certificates, commemorative souvenirs and historical facts are honed with artistic fiction to the state of the blade, which is spreading right in the heart. And this wound is not forgotten over time.

► In Paris, everything is calm, although the front line is two steps. And they go to the war from here on a taxi.

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